As always, the industry has a whole host of exciting iGaming events to look forward to in 2024 , and as ICE London and IGB Affiliate draw near, it’s time to start preparing.
Conferences are renowned opportunities to showcase your brand’s products or services; offering chances to network, gain insights into industry trends, and participate in educational sessions.
But simply buying a ticket and being present at an event is not going to deliver the results you’re after. To ensure you extract maximum value from conferences, it’s essential to have a strategy in place.
For that reason, we’ll be sharing five essential tips in this blog, to help you build your event plan so you can navigate conferences with confidence.
1. Set clear event goals
A common mistake made by event attendees is arriving with no clear goal. Without an objective and supporting plan, you will be wasting your time, opportunity, and a costly trip. Before you step into that convention center or log into a virtual event, ensure you have a clear vision of what you want to achieve. Are you looking for brand exposure? Or are you looking to connect with specific individuals in person? Perhaps you’re there to keep up to date on emerging industry trends.
Whatever your goal is, make sure it is attainable and is communicated well to every company attendee.
2. Research and prepare
Okay, so you’ve got your event goal. Now you’re ready to rock up at the conference and smash that primary objective right?
Unfortunately not. Another stage of conference planning attendees often neglect is researching and planning their event itinerary.
If your primary objective is to learn more about emerging iGaming trends, you’ll probably want to make note of any sessions or panels focused on AI. If your attendance goal is lead generation, you should be investing your time into sussing who else is going to be there.
Having your goal in mind, and planning your schedule to support that objective, will mean you are using your conference time far more effectively. Furthermore, you’re less likely to get overwhelmed and distracted on the day.
3. Promote your presence at iGaming events
Love it or hate it, networking is a vital component of successful event experiences. It is also likely to be a key reason your company is attending. Conferences provide the ideal environment to meet industry professionals, potential partners, and affiliates. This can result in building valuable connections that will support your company objectives.
But what’s the difference between effective networking and milling about snaffling canapes?
Tips one and two are going to be invaluable in ensuring that you’re networking smartly. They should easily guide you to know who you want to be talking to, and confirm why you want to be talking with them. Social media is also going to be your best friend here. If possible, get those really valuable appointments booked ahead of time to ensure you will be having the right conversations. But remember, don’t go booking constant meetings just to look busy, make sure those meetings are conducive to your primary goal.
Also, don’t neglect less formal networking sessions, these can be great opportunities to connect with peers in a more relaxed setting, where you can build rapport outside of a hard-sell environment, and take a break before your next big meeting.
4. Be visible & get involved
Whilst networking is crucial, don’t overlook the value of the event’s core content. Even if gaining industry knowledge is not your primary objective for attending, being present at relevant sessions, workshops, and panel discussions will not only enrich your expertise but also put you in the same room as the key players you want to connect with. These sessions are often packed with valuable information, and they offer a chance to participate in discussions and ask questions, increasing your visibility.
5. Follow up after the event
Your strategy doesn’t end with the completion of the event. It’s crucial to follow up with the contacts you’ve made. It sounds obvious, but ensure you send personalized thank-you messages, check you’ve connected on LinkedIn, and continue discussions about potential partnerships.
It’s also a good idea to review how the event went. Discuss with your team to determine how well you met your objective, what went well and what didn’t. What are you going to ensure you do at the next conference to maximize the value of the event?
The gaming industry evolves rapidly. So compiling any new information or insights you have gained and sharing them with the wider business can be invaluable in helping guide wider company objectives to ensure you remain current and relevant.
Getting the most out of iGaming events requires careful planning and consideration. Start by setting clear goals that align with your objectives, and then prepare thoroughly by researching the event, the attendees, and the offerings. Engage in effective networking both before and during the event to build valuable connections. Make sure to participate in sessions to stay informed about the latest trends and increase your visibility. Finally, follow up with contacts after the event, and review the experience.
Whether you’re a seasoned attendee or a first-time participant, these strategies will help you navigate the exciting world of iGaming events with confidence.