What Dads Want On Fathers Day Featured Image

What dads in each state really want for Father’s Day

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What do you get for the dad who already has everything? Pacing the aisles of the hardware depot or electronics store, painstakingly searching for that perfect present to show dad just how much you appreciate him is a pastime many of us know all too well. And once we finally settle on what we hope will be the gift of his dreams, there’s no guarantee dad will even like it. So wouldn’t it be nice to have a bit of guidance before the holiday on June 19?

To make things easier for all the frenzied Father’s Day shoppers out there, we asked dads all across the country what they want most for Father’s Day. To keep up with the demands of today’s dads, we only surveyed fathers who still have children living at home. The dads have spoken. And there’s some good news — you might not have to buy him anything.

Map of What Dads in each state Really Want For Fathers Day

The perfect gift for Dad

It turns out that the Father’s Day gift most wanted by Dads is a day out with the family. This could be an afternoon at the ballpark, a trip to the museum, a hike, or just about anything you can think of. Dads in California, Massachusetts, New York, Ohio, Washington, and 15 other states all chose a day out with the family as their ideal gift. 

But family time doesn’t stop with a day out. In 15 more states, including Illinois and Wisconsin, Dads told us they would love to spend Father’s Day having a BBQ with the family. And in three states, Dads let us know they’d like to have a meal out at a restaurant with their loved ones. No matter where the day is spent, the dads have made it clear — they want to spend time with their families on Father’s Day.

However, Dads in a few states indicated they’d rather have something just for themselves. In six states, including Georgia and Pennsylvania, dads declared they simply want to sleep in. Fathers in four states told us they could really use some new tools. And in two more states, dads said they’d like a new gadget. Finally, way up in Alaska, our nation’s last frontier, dads are begging for some help with chores.


In June 2022, we surveyed 1,040 US dads with children still living at home. The average age of respondents was 37.1 years. 83.4% were employed full-time. 2.4% were stay-at-home dads. 

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