With over 4.5 million vehicles on New Zealand’s roads, one could safely say Kiwi’s like to live their lives on the fast lane. However, with so many of us behind the steering wheel, there is a chance not only our speed meter, but also our anger meter turns red every now and then. Time2play took a peek under the bonnet and asked 1,018 New Zealand motorists about their biggest frustrations on the road.
![Car Frustrations infographic Nz](/app/uploads/sites/7/2023/04/Car-Frustrations-NZ.png)
Our study finds a whopping 79% of New Zealand motorists experience frustration on the road. Men seem to be more affected than women: 80% of New Zealand men experience frustration in traffic, compared to 77% of women.
Moreover, we asked our respondents whether they ever get annoyed by their partner’s driving behaviour. No less than 70% answered in agreement. The difference between men and women here is limited: 71% versus 69% respectively.
Biggest frustrations on the road
Our frustration meters turn particularly red when it comes to tailgating. At 48%, this is the biggest frustration on the road, followed by not using indicators (46%) and cutting off other motorists (34%). Ignoring the speed limit (33%) and using smartphones (31%) complete the top 5.
Biggest frustrations in the car
Tension can run high not only in traffic, but also between the driver and the passenger(s). Commenting on one’s driving behavior is the biggest source of frustration in the car at 43%. Fighting kids in the backseat are in second place (34%), followed by comments on the condition of the car (32%). For 31% of the respondents, discussions about the route are the biggest source of annoyance. Although the playlist can be quite a sensitive subject too: as 23% cite choosing the music as the main point of irritation.
We recently surveyed 1,018 New Zealand motorists throughout the entire country. 53% of our respondents identified as female, 46% as male, 1% as other.
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